Health and Safety in Catering

Health and safety in catering is important for every single person working in the industry. Of all the health and safety issues facing catering staff, contact dermatitis and dry skin are perhaps two of the most prevalent health problems.

The United Kingdom Health and Safety Executive state that the number of new cases of work-related contact dermatitis for those working in the catering industry is twice that of the average level found in all industries. It is also noted that the cost to the employer of resolving incidences of employee contact dermatitis can end up being twice as much as the cost of an accident resulting in physical injury*.

Those most at risk from developing dermatitis, or eczema, are catering employees who:

Healthy skin is supple and soft and provides a protective layer guarding against infection. Chefs, cooks and catering assistants can all be exposed to substances that attack the skin and this may result in work-related contact dermatitis. The main substances that give rise to concerns for health and safety in catering are soaps, disinfectants and cleansing products.

Usually, the initial symptoms of work-related contact dermatitis is skin that feels dry and sore. If left untreated, dermatitis may lead to split, cracked, painful skin that can result in employee absenteeism or even be career threatening.

Work-related dermatitis in the catering industry is most common on the hands and forearms.

Derma Shield is an ideal solution for the skin challenges that catering staff encounter everyday. In fact, we are so confident that Derma Shield can treat and prevent further outbreaks of contact dermatitis in the catering industry that we offer a 100% guarantee of satisfaction or your money back!

Don’t take our word for it. Read for yourself what one fellow professional said:


My son, Bradley, who works in a restaurant suddenly developed dermatitis. After visiting our doctor on maybe 5 occasions, nothing was suitable for his worsening condition of dermatitis. Needless to say, he had to be off sick for 2 weeks.

Then hey presto, he started using Derma Shield. After only a short time, 10 days, he cannot believe the difference. He finds it very soothing, relieves the itchiness and totally moisturises his hands preventing them from cracking. Last, but not least, it has reduced the pain that he had been experiencing. Thank you.

D.H. (Sheffield)


How Can Derma Shield Help Those Concerned with Health and Safety in the Catering Industry?

Derma Shield is cleared for use in the food processing industry.

label_important It can be used in food preparation areas. Derma Shield’s food safety certificate.

It forms a microscopic barrier over the skin which protects whilst allowing the skin to breath and perspire normally.

label_important Tender or abused skin that can be irritated in the food preparation process is given a chance to heal and is protected from further abuse.

Derma Shield only disappears through sublimation of dead skin cells. One application will last up to four hours despite repeated washing.

label_important You don’t lose your sense of touch and there is no need to re-apply every time the skin gets wet.

Derma Shield locks pharmaceutical grade moisturisers, such as Aloe vera and vitamin E, into the skin.

label_important The skin doesn’t dry out, even under the driest conditions. It also helps to clear up any other pre-existing skin problems. Trials have shown clear up rates for contact dermatitis as high as 85%.

Strong odours of foods such as onions, garlic and fish wash right off with soap and water instead of penetrating the skin and lingering for hours.

label_important Leave strong food odours where they belong — in the kitchen.

Derma Shield also helps protect against commercial cleaning compounds, industrial oven cleaners and drain cleaners.

label_important It will also protect maintenance personnel against oils, greases and most solvents.

Users often report how Derma Shield makes gloves more comfortable to wear by reducing excess sweating. It also protects the skin from any irritations that can sometimes occur after prolonged glove usage.

label_important This all ensures that users only wear gloves when needed and that the gloves are replaced far less frequently.

Want to Prove to Yourself How Effective Derma Shield Is?

We’re so confident in the unique way in which Derma Shield works that we urge new customers to try it without any financial risk. We are the only company in the skincare industry that has the confidence to offer this.

Derma Shield — Medically Quality Assured and Proven to Solve Your Skincare Concerns.