Farrier Skincare

As a farrier you undoubtedly hold a deep commitment for the care and well being of horses. Your job is challenging and physically demanding, but the sight of seeing a freshly shoed horse is reward in itself.

However, at the end of a day’s work, the sight of your hands may not engender similar feelings. After suffering extremes of heat, friction from tool use and being subjected to horse dander, dirt and grime, your skin can look in desperate need of some care and attention of its own.

Protective gloves help, but they are often impracticable and can add to skin abrasion — especially when sweat is trapped. In addition, the need for regular washing as you travel from client to client can damage your hand’s natural, protective lipid layer.

As a result, many farriers suffer from dry, sore and brittle skin. The harsh winds of winter only exacerbate this problem, often degenerating into split skin and raw, cracked fingertips. If this condition is left untreated it can become painful and even lead to an increased risk of infection.

Remember, your hands are your livelihood!

To keep your skin in top condition, you will need to employ a product that moisturises, nurtures and protects; is resistant to constant hand washing, hypo-allergenic and fragrance free. It should not leave a greasy residue, allowing your skin to breathe and perspire normally.


...Winters were a nightmare. The cold weather resulted in chapped, bleeding hands. As an outdoor person who tends to horses..

Now, I use Derma Shield everyday. This last winter is the first I can remember when I haven’t had chapped hands and bleeding fingers enveloped in bandages and plasters. Many, many thanks.

R.D. (Cornwell)


So How Will Derma Shield Help Farriers with Their Everyday Work?

Nurture the skin and help to keep it supple. Supple skin doesn’t split — it stretches.

label_important To aid faster skin recovery Derma Shield contains high-grade pharmaceutical moisturisers such as Aloe vera and vitamin E that are locked in to keep the skin supple.

Go about your day confident that your dry skin is being moisturised, nurtured and protected.

label_important Because Derma Shield is designed only to come off the skin as it sheds naturally, one application will last for up to four hours despite repeated washing.

Stop any further aggravation of the sensitised skin and enable the skin to recover quickly.

label_important Derma Shield’s microscopic shield ensures that, in most cases, any substance causing the skin to dry out is no longer in direct contact with the skin.

Improve your skin hygiene at work and home.

label_important Derma Shield has a natural anti-bacterial action that enhances any skin sanitisation method you use as it will continue to lower the colony count on your skin by a factor of ten for up to 4 hours.

Want to Prove to Yourself How Effective Derma Shield Is?

We’re so confident in the unique way in which Derma Shield works that we urge new customers to try it without any financial risk. We are the only company in the skincare industry that has the confidence to offer this.

Derma Shield — Medically Quality Assured and Proven to Solve Your Skincare Concerns.