Dry Itchy Skin Treatment

Are You Looking for Dry Itchy Skin Treatment?

If you suffer from dry itchy skin then you will have undoubtedly spent time and money looking for the ideal cream.

As you have probably learnt from experience, scratching the itch is definitely not the best treatment. Scratching often leads to increased irritation — and the desire to scratch even harder and longer the next time.

Soon, you will find yourself engulfed in the infamous itch-scratch-itch cycle.

The consequence of constant scratching of a localized patch of skin can be the thickening and hardening of the affected area. This, in turn, can lead to other, more serious skin problems.

The best solution for treating dry skin is to ensure that you regularly use a high quality, fragrance free moisturiser. The purpose of using a moisturiser is to increase the retained water content, keeping your skin supple and smooth.

Fortunately, by moisturising your skin, you are likely to relieve the itchiness as well. Moisturisers containing an antipuritic ingredient such as Aloe vera are especially beneficial in this respect.

When combined with some simple common sense precautions, moisturising can often prove an effective, on-going treatment for dry itchy skin.

You should also avoid exposure to cold, drying winds.

Taking a warm, short bath or a shower instead of a long, hot bath also helps as the latter can adversely affect your skin’s hydration.

Use mild, fragrance-free cleansing products to reduce the likelihood of further skin irritation.

Finally, try to identify and avoid contact with any other allergens that you know will aggravate your skin.

As one user said:


I have recently purchased a bottle of your Derma Shield. I have been using it now for about 2 weeks and am amazed at the results.

I have had severe dermatitis on my hand for about 6 years and it was starting to spread down my wrists. I have very bad dry skin with small water blisters all over my hands and my skin was split and itchy.

Since I started using your product I actually have normal looking hands. I still have a small bit of dry skin but, I can now bend my fingers fully without any splits or pain. I have tried everything that the doctor has prescribed and even though some products eased the effects nothing has cleared it up so much.


How Derma Shield Plays an Important Part in Your Dry, Itchy Skin Treatment Routine

Smooth, supple skin helps keep you itch free.

label_important The Aloe vera and vitamin E ingredients of Derma Shield, along with its pharmaceutical grade moisturisers, soothes and maintains skin hydration and its antipruritic qualities eases the urge to scratch.

Eliminating further damage to your skin aids a quicker recovery.

label_important Once applied, Derma Shield provides a microscopic, protective layer over your skin. This layer is designed to allow your skin to breathe and perspire naturally but inhibits irritant contact.

Remove the possibility of exacerbating your skin condition.

label_important Derma Shield is hypoallergenic, being steroid and fragrance free. If you have dry, itchy skin you need to eliminate exposure to possible allergens and Derma Shield achieves this by being totally non-toxic.

Want to Prove to Yourself How Effective Derma Shield Is?

We’re so confident in the unique way in which Derma Shield works that we urge new customers to try it without any financial risk. We are the only company in the skincare industry that has the confidence to offer this.

Derma Shield — Medically Quality Assured and Proven to Solve Your Skincare Concerns.