Dirty Hands from Work

Dirty hands from work poses a huge problem for many trades and professions.

Often, as an inevitable consequence of their duties, skilled workmen are subjected to prolonged contact with dirt and grime. Other frequent workplace hazards include grease, lubricants, oils, industrial paints and chemicals. All can leave the skin suffering from ingrained grime.

As well as looking and feeling unhealthy, stubborn, hard-to-shift grime can result in dry and cracked skin. This can be painful and unsightly and it can lead to an increased risk of infection.

Many hands may make light work, but dirty hands can ultimately limit a person’s ability to earn their living.

You may not be able to change your working environment, but you can certainly take measures to protect and maintain the health of your skin.

How Derma Shield Can Help Prevent Dirty Hands from Work

Derma Shield creates a microscopic shield that provides a barrier, stopping dirt and grime attaching to the skin and alleviating the ingrained dirty hands.

label_important This gives the skin a chance to heal from any existing conditions, whilst pharmaceutical grade moisturisers nurture the skin to keep it in prime condition.

Derma Shield only disappears through sublimation of dead skin cells, so one application will last four hours despite repeated washing.

label_important You don’t lose your sense of touch and there is no need to re-apply every time the skin gets wet.

Your skin will be protected from further abuse from substances that can become ingrained into the skin and cause the dirty hands.

label_important Horrible, dirty substances that you work with will be washed away and your skin will quickly lose the ingrained, grubby look. Leaving you confident in your skin’s appearance.

Want to Prove to Yourself How Effective Derma Shield Is?

We’re so confident in the unique way in which Derma Shield works that we urge new customers to try it without any financial risk. We are the only company in the skincare industry that has the confidence to offer this.

Derma Shield — Medically Quality Assured and Proven to Solve Your Skincare Concerns.