Cracked Fingers

Heal Cracked Fingers Effectively

Dry cracked skin on the hands can be particularly painful and pose an on-going problem. If you want to heal cracked fingers and skin, then first you need to identify the source of the trouble.

Cracked fingers and dry cracked skin in general may be an indication of eczema or perhaps as a result of contact with irritants. Unfortunately, if your skin is dry and sore, your symptoms are likely to worsen during the cold winter months. In some people this can lead to severe symptoms such as inflammation and bleeding.

Working around the house and in the garden can exacerbate the condition. From the common dust mite to ingredients used in everyday household products, your skin is constantly being subjected to a variety of allergens. Even in the garden there is little respite, plants, soil and garden products can all cause dermatitis that typically shows as cracked fingers, split skin and rashes.

Cleanliness is, of course, important, but some people’s skin can even suffer an adverse reaction from the perfumes and other constituents used in soaps and gels.

So, what is the best way to heal cracked fingers?

The Solution

To heal cracked fingers you need to both moisturise the skin and also protect yourself as far as possible from contact with the offending irritants.

As one user said:


I am a regular user of Derma Shield and want to tell you why I use it and why I find it so helpful. As a window cleaner I have to work outdoors all year round and I always have wet hands. Before I used your cream I found that the combination of cleaning fluids, water and cold weather meant that my skin became very dry, red and flaky and my fingertips would start to split and crack. I know us men are meant to be tough — but it was so bloody painful!

Now I find that by using Derma Shield regularly I am able to keep my skin supple and stop the damage from occurring. I must say that I was very sceptical as I had tried so many creams before but your stuff really does work. I apply it only 3 or 4 times a day and even though my hands are constantly wet and I’m out in all weathers my skin stays in excellent condition.

I tell everybody I know about Derma Shield.

M.D. (London)


How Derma Shield Can Help You Heal Cracked Fingers

Prevent further damage to your skin and help it to heal quicker.

label_important Derma Shield is formulated to provide a microscopic protective layer over your skin that allows it to breathe and perspire naturally but inhibits direct contact with most irritants.

Keep your skin smooth, supple and itch free.

label_important Derma Shield contains Aloe vera, vitamin E and pharmaceutical grade moisturisers that have all been shown to promote healthy skin and break the itch-scratch-itch cycle.

You can use Derma Shield regularly on sensitive skin with no negative side effects.

label_important If you have sensitive, dry or cracked skin you need to limit exposure to possible allergens. Because Derma Shield is fragrance and steroid free it is completely non toxic and can be used as often as necessary.

Continue with your normal daily routine knowing that your skin is taken care of.

label_important One wash resistant application of Derma Shield will provide grease free protection for up to four hours leaving your skin feeling natural and healthy.

Want to Prove to Yourself How Effective Derma Shield Is?

We’re so confident in the unique way in which Derma Shield works that we urge new customers to try it without any financial risk. We are the only company in the skincare industry that has the confidence to offer this.

Derma Shield — Medically Quality Assured and Proven to Solve Your Skincare Concerns.